Firestarter Business Solutions Celebrates FSB Business Awards Win

We have some exciting news to share, we are now officially an award winning business after success at the regional FSB business awards in the expansion and growth category. Read below to find our more on our achievement!

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Firestarter Business Solutions was awarded with the Expansion & Growth Award at the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Southwest Small Business Awards held in Exeter. With team members Matt, Jordan and Dani in attendance it was not only an opportunity to be recognised for our dedication to driving sales growth but also a chance to connect with like-minded businesses and individuals.

The awards hosted annually, recognise small businesses and the self-employed across the Southwest with regional winners going on to the national finals in May. Sam Holliday the development manager of FSB for Gloucestershire and the West of England was delighted with how the event went, sharing his thoughts on LinkedIn:

“I have, for many years, proudly championed the small businesses and self-employed in the FSB patch I am proud to cover and last week, at our regional awards ceremony, we saw further proof of just how much talent we have locally. My congratulations go to all the regional winners – great businesses from Wiltshire, Devon, Dorset and Cornwall also scooped well-earned titles – but it was such a particular joy to see and hear on the day from those like me who had headed down the M5 for the occasion and came back with a smile on their face.”

We were chosen for the award for our commitment to overall business excellence through our financial growth, team expansion, and the development of new products and services. The team has grown by 57% over the past year, demonstrating both the increased demand for our services and an appetite for further expansion.

The judges were impressed by our overall growth across our diverse, highly bespoke range of offerings, and how our submission demonstrated not only business growth, but expansion in our capabilities.

To receive the Expansion & Growth award was a nice moment for us as we can now proudly say, we are an award-winning business! Our success at the FSB South West Small Business Awards is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of our entire team. The award comes at a time where Firestarter are gearing up for a big year of even more growth with plans to expand our offerings as well as an expanding client base.

Matt Wheeler expressed his pride in representing Firestarter Business Solutions at the awards ceremony, emphasising the importance of this recognition for the team’s tireless efforts.

“It’s great to be recognised in this way for all the hard work and dedication that our team puts in every day. Let’s hope we can continue celebrating under the bright lights of Blackpool for the National Finals in May.”

As we continue to grow and expand, fuelled by our commitment to always be moving forward, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. We are incredibly grateful to the FSB for choosing us as their regional winners in Expansion & Growth for the south-west. Their acknowledgment of our achievements motivates us to push the boundaries of success even further and reinforces our commitment to excellence.

A massive thank you to the organisers involved and Ruth Lambert for doing a stellar job as host, we had a great day and look forward to the national finals!

The national FSB finals are being held at the iconic Winter Gardens Empress Ballroom in Blackpool on the 9th of May 2024. We hope to continue our success there, fingers crossed!

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