Sales management

Sales management services for business owners

We deploy our sales management services to build a core set of management principles that give you a balanced approach to managing the people you have and building the sales team of the future. Working directly with business owners and leaders, we embed our experienced team members within your business to play the sales management roles that you need to drive improved sales performance in your business.

A picture of two men sat Infront of two laptops holding a clipboard with a piece of paper with different types of graphs on it

Common sales management issues

Whilst every business is different and faces its own unique set of circumstances, our experience over more than ten years of running Firestarter interventions and many more years of sales management experience before that tells us that there are several common sales problems that SME business leaders face, including:

  1. The sales performance in your business is stable, established but plateaued and needs a leg up to get to the next level.
  2. Dependency on one or two key people is very high – there are limited routes available to delegate actions through.
  3. Selling always falls to be business leaders, even though they would rather focus elsewhere.
  4. Sales strategies are ad-hoc, not systematized – other issues distract from any sales focus.
  5. Sales processes, CRM systems and analytics are not properly leveraged to drive sales decisions.
  6. The business could benefit from sales ‘big hitters’, but that’s too expensive.

What signs can you see that suggest your current sales management isn’t working?

How Firestarter drives sales performance management

There are a number of key elements that we focus on at Firestarter to help you get the best out of your team and improve your sales performance, including:

icon of a check list and a pencil

Quarterly planning

A vital tool for any sales manager in driving regular, predictable sales forecasting and account development planning.

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CRM and pipeline management

Using a CRM system effectively to manage a sales pipeline and drive conversions through different stages in the sales process.

Icon of brain surrounded by cog, chart, lightbulb and user

Product / service knowledge

Understanding your core proposition and how it fits with your target market’s requirements is key to increased sales.

icon of three people with two arrows pointing to a large dollar sign

Lead generation

A good sales manager will focus on driving activity levels at the beginning of the sales process to increase lead volumes.

Large Red Cross

Objection handling

Supporting the sales team to anticipate obstacles and understanding what actions are needed to overcome them.

icon of a hand shake with a shield with a tick in the centre above

Sales closing skills

One of the most important and difficult sales skills to master, developing a closing mentality is key to success.

Tell us your sales management challenges

Understanding the habits of good sales people

To be a good sales manager, you need to know what it takes to be a good sales person, and how to structure your team around developing (and sticking to) good sales habits.

To find out more, download our guide highlighting the 7 habits of successful salespeople.
Car salesman in grey suit having a discussion with female customer in light pink top

Get in touch today, and let’s chat.

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Illustration of man and woman wearing orange shirts chatting at a coffee table

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