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Developing existing and new talent – building your next generation team for longer term sustainable growth

Our experience and expertise spans a broad range of areas that drive the development of your talent, including:


When working on core Firestarter projects, we often identify skills gaps in your talent capabilities and use our own team to ‘test and measure’ what you really need to make a difference in your organisation. Specialising in sales and operational roles that drive results and impact, we work with you to match people strategies to ongoing business strategies, then provide the recruitment support you need to get the right organisational structure and people into your team.

Organisational structure

It is important to remember that the structure and team that got your business to where it is today may not necessarily be the same as what you need to get you where you want to be in the future. This leans heavily on effective business planning and understanding your P&L numbers in order to identify gaps and align roles to goals. A key element of our Firestarter growth projects is focused on understanding talent and creating a balanced approach to managing and developing your existing people whilst building the team you need.

Training and development

A key element of the Firestarter experience lies in the coaching and training services that we provide through our Firestarter Academy. We have a number of regular courses that we run to help delegates develop the essential skills and tactics needed to get your business in the best possible shape for growth. We offer something for everyone, from improved selling skills to effective business planning, sales management and more. But in addition to our structured courses, we also provide coaching, mentoring and general leadership support to help you develop your own and your team’s potential.